If you are paying in cash and want to tip because of exceptional service, its standard to round up the bill. Since many people on the hotel team work for tips, they usually have cash on hand. In addition, locals usually order and pay for taxis through apps rather than in cash, so tips are even less likely and not usually expected by drivers. It's also okay to ask the staff for change. You’ll want to tip more depending on how much energy goes into helping you. Concierge If you happen to use the hotel concierge for more than a basic question, you should tip a few dollars. Yes, that includes strollers and car seats.

Plan on tipping every hotel staffer that assists you or makes your stay more comfortable, such as the concierge who books a meal for you in a popular restaurant, or the valet who retrieves your vehicle every day. If you have the bellhop bring up your bags, you should tip them about 2 per item. This ensures that the responsible party receives the tip. Whenever possible, leave your tip directly with the person it's intended for, rather than leaving it at the front desk. This way, whomever handles your room each day receives a tip, instead of one person collecting a large tip spanning your entire stay. Leave the tips on a daily basis in an envelope or with a note stating the tip is for the housekeeper. High Anxiety is a 1977 comedy film directed by (and starring) Mel Brooks.It is an Affectionate Parody of the films of Alfred Hitchcock.While there are numerous allusions to almost every Hitchcock film, the main plot and setting are taken from Spellbound and Vertigo. Tip housekeeping service $1 to $5 per day. To tip a helpful cab driver, like this happy one in Turkey, simply round up the fare. If tipping is the norm, expect to pay the nearest rounded equivalent in local currency of $1 to $2 per bag. Some hotels include a service fee in your room charge, although bellmen may still accept tips. When traveling abroad, check with the front desk or research your destination ahead of time to determine whether tips are expected.